We have moved…

We have moved…

Dear parents,

For the 2017/2018 school year, I needed to move to the following site instead as I have used all of the free space available on this blog.

I will also be using Instagram to share the wonderful things we are doing in class.  My username is “annietheteacher”.  Pictures will also appear on our new blog, at the bottom of the page. As I’ve always loved pictures, I would like to give Instagram a try with the students. 

Thank you for your understanding and support!


Baseball + Listening Skills

Baseball + Listening Skills

We spent some time in class yesterday watching the following episode. As it featured baseball (which we are now doing in PE – how timely!) as well as a few other topics of interest (la superballe et le fromage en grain) I thought it would be a good opportunity for the students to be exposed to what other kids of their age sound like in Québec.

As a result, the students also leaned various ways to express their excitement.

  • “C’est malade!”
  • “C’est trippant””
  • “C’est capoté!”
  • “C’est super le fun!”
  • “C’est écoeurant!”
  • “C’est exaltant!”
  • “C’est délirant!”
  • “C’est surprenant!”

Bonne journée! 🙂

Skateboarding – French Reading (and Listening)

Skateboarding – French Reading (and Listening)

I gave everyone a break from their “cahier bleu” Thursday and today and although I asked that everyone continues to read in French at home (without writing about it), I worry that many won’t do it.

Here is something for your child, in case he/she hasn’t done any French reading at home today. Save it for later if needed!

Pierre-Luc Gagnon – Le pro du skate

There is a short article and a 6:27 minute interview with Pierre-Luc. Listening to a French interview is a great way to improve one’s listening skills.



Inquiry-Based Learning**

Inquiry-Based Learning**

The students have just started a personal inquiry related the human body. They are encouraged to be curious, research, read, experiment (this should start next week) and share. I am really enjoying this so far as everyone is working on something of their choice. You could have heard a pin drop this afternoon in class. It was an amazing experience.

If you would like to access some of the notes I will be taking during our sharing sessions, please ask your child to show you the group discussion I just created on Showbie.

One of my favourite resources, despite being in English, is Wonderopolis. As I was exploring the site a bit more this evening, I came across their Wonder Jar. This could be a great way to generate discussions at home as well. Let me know if you try it with your child. I would love to have your input!

Have a great evening,


**Inquiry-based learning => learning by doing


Sports Day

Sports Day

Sports Day was a success! All students showed great leadership skills while working with their Kindergarten buddy from the English stream. I was so proud of them! Many adults who work with this Kindergaten class complimented me on their behaviour. Well done, everyone!

Have a great long weekend…
