Inquiry-Based Learning**

Inquiry-Based Learning**

The students have just started a personal inquiry related the human body. They are encouraged to be curious, research, read, experiment (this should start next week) and share. I am really enjoying this so far as everyone is working on something of their choice. You could have heard a pin drop this afternoon in class. It was an amazing experience.

If you would like to access some of the notes I will be taking during our sharing sessions, please ask your child to show you the group discussion I just created on Showbie.

One of my favourite resources, despite being in English, is Wonderopolis. As I was exploring the site a bit more this evening, I came across their Wonder Jar. This could be a great way to generate discussions at home as well. Let me know if you try it with your child. I would love to have your input!

Have a great evening,


**Inquiry-based learning => learning by doing


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